Friday 2 March 2012

Disabled shooting survey

This is not directly related to VI shooting, however as it relates to shooting and disabled people I thought it was worth mentioning here.

I am currently studying a post graduate course with the Open University and the current module I am studying is on problem solving and improvement and requires me to do a small project. So I have decided to do a project on how shooting clubs can become more disabled friendly, or may be more correctly, how can the Disabled Shooting Project can assist shooting clubs to become more disabled friendly. As part of this project I would like to get views from shooters, both disabled and non-disabled, on their views of how disabled friendly they feel their shooting clubs are.

I hope you can spare a few moments and possibly will fill in the survey below to assist me in this project. If you do answer the survey, thank you for your time.

Experience of creating shooting videos

You may be aware that over the last few weeks I have been creating some videos for IBSA on vision impaired shooting. It has been quite an ex...